Como rizar el pelo sin calor. How to do curls without heat.
Necesitamos / We need:
Laca. Hairspray.
El primer paso es peinarte el pelo y hecharte agua o spray para pelo rizado. Despues, tienes que enrollar el pelo alrededor de tus dedos y poner las horquillas.
The first step is comb your hair and put some spray for curly hair or water. After, you have to roll your hair in your fingers and put a hairpin. When you finish to do this all around your hair, you have to put some sea salt spray and go to bed, well, you can do this in the morning but you have to do this five or six hours before you are going to go out. When this hours have past you have to remove you hairpins. You hair is going to look like that:
A continuación, peina tu pelo para que se vea mas natural. Despues, hechate laca y estaras lista!
You have to comb your hair for your hair looks more natural. Then, spray some hairspray and it's ready!
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